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Terms & Conditions

Regulations of the Blog run under the domain https://asmedia/blog

valid from July 31, 2023.

I. About the blog

The author of the blog is
  Through the Blog, the Author shares articles on advertising and general topics free of charge
news from available news portals and allows you to purchase the digital content they represent
templates of documents, courses, training and other educational content. No content shared for
through the Blog should not be treated as individual business advice or its service. Using the Services provided by the Blog Author or purchasing the Products offered on the Blog is voluntary and takes place at the Customer's request, but acceptance is necessary before concluding the Agreement of the Regulations. All copyrights to articles published on the Blog and materials offered through
  The blog belongs to the author of the blog.Detailed information on the processing of personal data by the Author of the Blog can be found in the Privacy Policy

Blog available at the link:

The Advertising services are provided as part of the offer and are available on the website

II. Definitions

Author of the Blog/Service Provider - "We are waiting for payment "blog/"  service has been sold to a new owner." conducting business activity at the following address:
 "We are waiting for payment "blog/" service has been sold to a new owner.", contact:
The company is registered in the Central Register and Information on Business Stockholm
Register under number "We are waiting for payment "blog/" service has been sold to a new owner.".

Blog - a blog operating at the Internet address

Service Recipient/Customer – a natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person or an entity
organizational entity without legal personality, having a place of residence or registered office in the area, respectively
Sweden that intends to conclude or enters into a Product Purchase Agreement via the Blog. Product - digital content (without a data carrier) or services provided electronically that can be purchased
via the Blog, such as an example of an offer, guide, online course, training.

The Product is in the form of an electronic file, video or audio recording, intended to be used in a manner adapted to the purpose of the Product.

Agreement - an agreement for the purchase of a Product, concluded via the Blog in the manner specified in the Regulations.

Regulations - these regulations. The Regulations contain basic information about the method and rules as well as the conditions of using the Blog, concluding sales contracts (granting licenses) via the Blog,

  The Regulations also constitute, in the scope of services provided electronically, the regulations for the provision of electronic services.

Service (service provided electronically) - any service provided electronically by the Service Provider on request
  the Service Recipient without the simultaneous presence of the parties (remotely), sent and received using electronic devices
data processing and storage, which is entirely broadcast, received or transmitted via a telecommunications network,
including via the Blog, means of electronic communication, Skype and other means of distance communication,
including social media communicators.
  Through the Blog, the Service Provider provides, among others, the following Services: enabling the Users to browse and read the content of the Blog, enabling adding comments on the Blog, enabling Service Recipients to subscribe to the list of Blog subscribers and receive
as part of the Newsletter service, information about new articles published on the Blog, enabling placing an order via Blog and maintaining a User Account and making Products available for a fee.

III. Using the Blog

The information contained on the Blog is of a journalistic and general nature, is an expression of the personal opinion of the Author of the Blog, is not complete or up-to-date,
they do not constitute advice or any other service other than advertising and do not create a customer relationship between the Service Recipient and the Author of the Blog.
In order to obtain an assessment of the individual situation, the Service Recipient should use the professional services of companies providing this type of service.
Browsing and reading the content of the Blog is free of charge and does not require an Account.
  The Service Provider will make every effort to ensure that the Blog is available to the User without interruptions and disruptions.
The Service Recipient may comment on articles available on the Blog.
  Comments are subject to approval by the Author of the Blog.
  The Service Recipient is obliged not to post on the Blog content that violates the law, is contrary to the principles of social coexistence,
infringing the rights or personal rights of third parties, including not sending such content via the available forms.

The content of the Blog and the Products are works protected by Copyright Law.
  Copyrights to these works are vested in the Author of the Blog or other entities.
Dissemination of entire works contained on the Blog is not allowed without the separate consent of the Author of the Blog.
  In order to obtain such consent, please contact the Author of the Blog.
If you want to use the publicly available content of the Blog as a quote, remember to indicate the Author of the Blog and the link to the Blog as a source.

IV. Purchase of the Product

The Customer purchases the Product in accordance with the offer available on the Blog.
  The prices given on the Blog are net prices (without VAT), unless otherwise indicated with the Product.
After making the choice, the Customer should click on the "Buy now" button, as a result of which he will be redirected to the order page.
To make a purchase, the following technical conditions must be met by the Customer's computer or other device:
1) Internet access,
2) standard operating system,
  3) a standard web browser and
4) having an active e-mail address.

It is possible to make a purchase without creating a User Account or through it.

If the Customer has an Account, he should log in before making a purchase.

The customer may set up an account by selecting the appropriate checkin button in the ordering process or by completing a separate account registration form.
When filling out the order form, the Customer uses real data and is responsible for using false data.
When placing an order, the Customer agrees to perform the contract and provide him with digital content in the form of the selected one
product before the expiry of the withdrawal period, which results in the loss of the Customer's right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the Service Provider and declares that he has read
with the Regulations by marking the appropriate checkins.

After completing the order and selecting the mandatory checkins, the Customer proceeds to the payment procedure by clicking the "Buy and pay" button.
  By clicking this button, the Customer declares that he intends to conclude a contract for the purchase of the Product on the terms set out in these Regulations and undertakes to pay the price.
Payment is made via Available payment methods are fast electronic transfer PayPal, PayU and card payment.

Upon successful payment, a license agreement for the use of digital content is concluded between the Customer and the Seller
of the Product selected by the User, and the User is shown a purchase confirmation page.
The terms of the license are specified in the further part of the Regulations.
The Product purchased by the User is available for download directly from the purchase confirmation page and to the User
an automatic e-mail is sent with a link allowing access to the purchased Product.
If the Product consists in providing audio or video content, this content will be made available without the possibility of downloading it.

For tax reasons, the purchase option has been limited to entities with a place of residence other than Sweden.

V. Use of the Product

For the proper use of the Product, it is sufficient for the User to have a standard operating system,
a program for reading pdf files, e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Office office software or its equivalent
  (LibreOffice, OpenOffice). With regard to multimedia content, any current web browser is required to play them.

In the event that the Customer is unable to run a file containing digital content or play content made available online,
contact the Service Provider.

If the nature of the Product requires it (e.g. contract template), the Customer has the option of editing and adapting it to his own needs,
in accordance with the information contained in the Product.
  Under the Product purchase agreement, the Seller provides the Buyer with only digital content in the form of the Product purchased by the Buyer.
  The Seller does not provide the Buyer with legal assistance in adapting the Product to its own needs and does not provide it
legal assistance to the buyer in this regard.

VI. Products Licensed. License terms.

At the time of purchase of the Product, God's Author grants the Customer a basic license or a license for professional use to use the Product
  – depending on the Customer's choice made during the purchase.
If the Product does not provide for the choice of the type of license, the license is granted in the basic version.
The basic license is intended for Customers who intend to use the purchased Product
  solely for your own use, including for the purposes of your business or professional activity.
The license for professional use is addressed to entities that intend to use the Product for purposes
  for profit, using it as part of your service.
Due to the difference in the scope of the licenses in question, a different price for granting a license is introduced
basic and professional use.
General Terms for Each License
The license is always non-exclusive.
The license is not geographically restricted.
The license is granted for a fee, for the purchase price of the Product.
  The remuneration includes the use of each field of exploitation listed in the terms of the basic and professional license,
and the Customer's use of other fields of exploitation requires an additional remuneration to be agreed with the Author.
The license does not include the right to grant further licenses (sub-licenses).
The license does not authorize the Customer to:
transfer of license rights to other entities free of charge or for a fee,
allow other entities to use the Products,
authorizing other entities to exercise the rights under the license,
actually transferring the Product to other entities for use.
In the case of Products constituting document templates, the license is granted for an indefinite period,
  unless otherwise stated in the Product description.
For Products that are audio or video content:
the license is granted for a period of 365 days from the date of purchase, unless a different period is specified in the Product description,
the license is granted for one user, it is possible to purchase more licenses,
The Customer is obliged to protect the access data to the Product against disclosure to unauthorized persons.
The license may be terminated immediately by the Author in case of violation of its rules,
in particular, if the Product purchased under the terms of the basic license is used to the extent,
to which the professional license entitles you.
In any case, any doubts as to the scope of the license should be addressed to the Author of the Blog.
Basic license (personal use)
The license includes the right to use the Product by the Customer only for his own,
  internal needs, for non-profit purposes.

With regard to Model Products, the license covers only the right to complete the contract template,
  its any changes, copying for personal use in any number of copies,
conclude an unlimited number of contracts for personal use on the basis of this template.
With regard to Products that are audio or video content, including with additional materials (e.g. courses or training),
the license covers only the right to read their content for their own use (e.g. by the Customer's employees) at any time,
  an unlimited number of times during the term of the license, unless otherwise stated in the product description.
With respect to these products, the license does not include the right to interfere with the work, make changes,
  studies, cutting, processing, shortening, etc. If access to the Product is limited by a login or password,
The customer is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of access data.
In particular, the License does not include the right to: make the Product publicly available in such a way that
  so that everyone can have access to it in a place and time chosen by them,
  placing on the Internet, including as part of social media, marketing or dissemination of the Product,
  use of the Product for commercial or marketing purposes, resale or resale of a modified or completed Product,
  making it available to other entities, using it as part of your or someone else's service, making it available to other entities for use.
For the avoidance of doubt, the scope of the license should be interpreted in such a way that the Customer can freely use the purchased Product for the purpose,
  for which the Product is intended, e.g. the Customer under the basic license may use the "Template Agreement" Product to the extent that
  to the extent it is necessary and expedient for the Customer to conclude an unlimited number of contracts with its contractors on the basis of this template,
employees, etc. Under this license, the Customer is not entitled to use the Product for commercial purposes,
such as: providing services with the use of the Product, using as part of your or someone else's resale service of the design or resale
  a modified or completed formula, making it available to other entities.
The Author of the Blog authorizes the Customer to use document templates in the fields of use indicated in the license terms, with the omission
designating the Author of the Blog as the creator of the Product.
However, it is not allowed to mark the contract template with the authorship of another person, in particular the authorship of the person making the adaptation allowed under the terms of the licence.
Licensed for professional use
The Professional Use License includes all rights under the Basic License, unless expressly stated otherwise in the license terms or Product description.
The license for professional use is granted only for document templates and does not apply to audio or video content,
  together with additional materials (e.g. courses or training), for the use of which only the basic license is granted.
Under the license for professional use, the customer is entitled to use the Products or their developments in his own business to serve his own customers,
providing individual services related to the use of the Product or the use of the Product development,
  in any number of copies needed for this purpose.
  The product covered by the license for professional use may be part of the service provided to the customer of the Service Recipient.
  The product cannot be sold as a sample - a finished product - even if it has been developed.
The scope of the license does not include the right to distribute or market the Products or them
studies in any way and on any data carrier, in particular in the Internet space as digital products,
in social media, in publishing houses, in the public media.
In case of any doubts related to the scope of the license for professional use, it is recommended to contact the Author of the Blog.

VII. Withdrawal from the contract by the Consumer

The Customer who is a Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the Seller within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer must inform the Seller of his decision to withdraw from the contract by an unequivocal statement
  (for example, a letter sent by post or e-mail).
To keep the deadline to withdraw from the contract, it is enough for the Customer to send information regarding the performance
his right to withdraw from the contract before the expiry of the withdrawal period.
If during the purchase of the Product, the Customer agreed to perform the contract and provide him with digital content in the form of
selected Product before the deadline to withdraw from the contract, the Customer loses the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the Seller.

VIII. Complaints

The Customer may submit complaints regarding the purchased Product or the purchasing process described in point IV of the Regulations to the e-mail address of the Service Provider.
The complaint should contain data enabling the identification of the Buyer (name, surname, email address) of the subject of the complaint and the request related to the complaint.
  In the event of receiving an incomplete complaint, the Seller will call the Buyer to complete it under pain of leaving the complaint without consideration.
The seller will respond to a complete complaint within 14 days of its receipt.

IX. Amendments to the Regulations
The Author of the Blog reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations, which come into force on the day of their publication on the Blog. To contracts concluded before the change
of the Regulations, the version of the Regulations in force on the date of concluding the Agreement with the Seller shall apply.

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